When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A Flintknapper!
I was interviewed on a live radio show not too long ago about the upcoming (now past) Cedar City Summer Arts Festival. One of the questions asked by the DJ was ,”What kind of art can we see at the show?”“We have all the traditional fine arts represented,”I began. “Painters, sculptors, potters… and there are a myriad of craftsmen exhibiting everything from edible or wearable art, to functional pieces like totes and linens. We even have a flintknapper!” All the people in the room just stared blankly at me, and there was radio silence for a few seconds. So I added, “I can see your entire audience now running to their computers to Google ‘flintknapper!’” It became the running joke of the show … any time there was a lag, the correct response was, “Excuse me – I was flintknapping.”
Click on the link below for the full feature!
When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A Flintknapper!